A list of 10 issues and praises with OSX Mavericks v's Lion?

After some toeing and throwing I decided to 'upgrade' to OSX Mavericks with some really disappointing slowdowns. There's a few features that have been added, of which sort of make it feel like it's inline with features found on my iPhone, which really kind of make the whole experience rather disappointing.

1. Office 2011 is slower.
2. Firefox is slower
3. Starting up seems quicker, but logging in is slower
4. File management is slower
5. Watching flash videos is slower and choppy after updating to the latest flash
6. The paranoia really starts when you can't install programs without disabling security (Microsoft's Cancel or Allow comes to mind)
7. Spotlight search is quicker.
8. Copying to a USB seems quicker
9. Ejecting USB's seems to take forever....
10. Connecting to wireless is inconsistent

I'm really uncertain that the extra features that I get, like energy saver are cool apps, but I can get these as programs of which I've already spent money supporting developers.

iBooks: Don't use.
Interactive notifications: Don't use.
Map directions to phone: Don't use.
Finder tabs: No point.
Multiple screens: it's a laptop, not a desk top, although it seems like a nice feature, but I don't think I'd be using it.
Sync text shortcuts: Don't use.
iCloud keychain: Don't trust.

Really, what is the point of adding 'features' which degrade performance. And to roll back my installation is a matter of wiping all of the hard drive, and reinstalling it.



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