Neolithic period and Planning

What was life like in the Neolithic?

In planning, it is regarded that the neolithic period is the dawn of urbanisation, when we started to develop land uses and setting areas for waste, farming and livestock. The landuse was very organic and one process fed into the other, and if it became overused it appears that the activity was capped off, maintained and reestablished at a new site.

Neolithic practices

I feel that the need for humans to explore & seek other lands is intrinsically a part of the human condition. It is also feasible that groups may of been trying to find other lands to expand their own territories.

The ability to develop agricultural practises creates stability & certainty within a group, having this foothold allows to develop societies and foster cultural practices. Having a set location also creates yourself as a target by others, as they know where you are but also allow you to trade with others.

Crop failures also would of improved and allowed a stable population to propagate and develop, which in turn lead towards urban pollution and the need to manage these issues. This would of been for both agricultural values as well as for the societal ones.

So, since stars feature as an important static part of our environment, like the wind, water, trees and sun, I have no doubt that solar worship which was the forefather of astronomy, it's scientific application but structures served a dual purpose for defence.

Since the body of a human left behind is our bones, they also have their lifeless existence in them. For them to be remembered you have a piece of them with you.


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