Australia 3G 4G 3G+ or 3.5G, Fake 4G 4G LTE 4G voLTE 4G OR will my 6 year old phone still send a message to shut the gate when you leave?

Well, if you thought the title of this post was convoluted already and also confusing you'd be correct.

The mess that is Australian telecoms is really not surprising any more.
Telecom, you will be a bastion of gold plated cables.

and what a surprise, you're reading something that is written by a human than a 20 page guide on what 4G is and how it affects mushrooms according to a scientific paper written as a white paper in the late nineteen seventies.

Anyway, you're probably here to find out if your phone is 4G, true gold $g than some 3G plus 4G LTE.

So in the infinite wisdom of marketing, Australians call 3.5G 4G, and this is why a lot of phone are not going to work.

This was 4G LTE.

The new standard minimum of 4G voLTE.

5G is limited to main cities because its range is appalling.

3G was wonderful as its range was great. It's basically been abandoned because everyone (Mainly driven by the US) is using the internet and you don't need proper telecommunications over long distances in a country that has long distances. So if you're outside of the 100km edge of the ocean, you should move closer to the network. 

And really, 100 in some parts is not really correct, mainly because Australia only has 5 major cities. Regional towns are max 15 kilometres wide.

So if Australia was a green block of cheese, and the holes where where the cities where but reversed, you would have string cheese and the gaps in between would be empty, no internet, no nothing. It doesn't exist.


*Not an Actual map of Australia but you get the picture... And yes, I know you're there WA, its just that Norfolk Island has better coverage.

So yet again we're chasing the tail of the dog. 

First it was national rail, free gas, free education, 

good thing the nation still rides off the back of a sheep, right? Right?


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