Our future in a digital world

The development of the digital divide will continue. For at the moment, the most influential existence so far has been our ability to send emails or comment or make comments on social media. It is when we are able to be integrated in to our digital realm is when the true divide will make its place. For there will be people who will not want to be apart of that process, the process of loosing our humanity in their eyes. For they feel that it would be an invasion to a part of the human soul. We have lived in a physical world, one born of books being tied down with chains and locked up with keys. Books, in themselves in one point of time were seen as a corruption of the human identity in the eyes of god and religion. But in this new digital mecca we are emerging as profits of self, each having a correct opinion, and everybody else is against us and our individuality.

We then evolved to have libraries, first closed ones with closed sections, and these slowly gave way to being public and civic institutions. We enabled ourselves to be knowledgeable and intelligent because we started to grasp our own world and our place in it. We then reignited this fire of invention into the mechanical and electrical, exploiting their potential that even to this day a degree of resistance and a measure of time makes our phones buzz with life. In this, we allowed people, the everyday mann to find an occupation, make an income, purchase items with this income and develop a life around these things, to create villages, cities, suburbs and towns and these became interconnected and globalized, to the point that the bread we eat is made from somewhere around the world and ends up in our belly.

But this relationship between the last world and the new one is that we are now able to move virtually, create virtually, have world that do not exist outside the realms of the physical world. In which people can write, play and live a life. What then does it mean if we don't have schools, libraries and these civic structures that form part of our world, the social physical world in which we all live in. It becomes smaller when the virtual one becomes larger. Or desire to travel may actually be reduced to making these tings into events based on a digital calendar. We send less letters and prefer emails, the nostalgia of writing has slowly been removed to being an art when it will get there in less than it takes for you to move your mouse after you've clicked send.

So, these institutions of civic nature become obsolete. The need to visit disperses. The inconvenience of visiting locations be they shopping centers, malls, supermarkets, cinemas all become unoccupied, 'cept for those who can't afford or are unable to see or are shown the potential of these. They, live their lives as they have always been told. The way to just exist and possess the knowledge to pay the rent. Some homes will become rooms, impersonal, almost hotel like as we shift our worldly possessions to a digital frontier. Remember, you can purchase a original digital diamond app for one thousand dollars or the real thing for eight hundred. The social nature of people is that we need to socialize at work, we need that connection between a report and how your workmates son is doing in school. So the need to physically be there is going to be replaced with virtually being there. From using a broom, a vacuum cleaner, a automated robot to using nano technology to preform the same work, the technological advancement will be for some, not for all. It comes at a price that is inequitable and unjust.

The world of bi-directional autonomous adaptation is emerging and we really don't know where it will end, just like the shirt I recently saw, my area code is the last four digits of π. So is the nature of the future of humanity, in one way or another it will exist as our desire to exist in the world that we call earth.


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